Tell Congress: Don’t Use Climate Funds As a Bargaining Chip in Debt Negotiations
Have you heard the news? According to the most recent UN forecast, there is a 2/3rds chance that the world will reach its climate warming limit within the next five years. We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. That means, now is the time to use every tool we have to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.
Yet, even as we face this crisis, some members of Congress are — quite literally — playing with fire by using funds meant to save the planet as a bargaining chip in the debt ceiling negotiations, putting our pocketbooks and our planet on the line.
One of the most effective (and least understood) pots of money – the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) – could be at risk if members of Congress fail to understand the genius of taking green banks to a national scale.
Incredible fact: While the fund itself dedicates $20 billion towards clean energy investment, it would actually generate more than $250 billion over the next 10 years by using public funds to spur private investment. With this financially smart approach, we can kick-start critical, system-wide change while saving money, people, and the planet.
The GGRF translates initial government spending into lasting investments that will better our communities, like job creation, lower energy costs, and improved public health. But that will only happen if Congress protects it.
As debt ceiling negotiations continue, let Congress know that you support the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and oppose any cuts to climate investments.
There isn’t time to waste — Congress needs to vote as soon as possible!