Funding Our Dream
We, the Dream.
With this powerful idea, we will make 2024 a year of real progress against the climate crisis and our broken criminal justice system.
We, the Dream is our call to action for 2024 - a world of freedom and dignity for all people.
With your help, we’ve already fought for equity provisions in federal funding for green projects, supported BIPOC entrepreneurs, passed legislation in 6 states, and given away $1 million to innovators disrupting mass incarceration.
We can do even more together: making sure federal funding flows to hard-hit local communities, building an ecosystem of entrepreneurs and formerly incarcerated leaders, and finding common ground on some of our biggest challenges.
This is one of the most important moments in our nation’s history. A future beyond polarization, pollution, prisons, and poverty depends on you. Your tax-deductible gift today powers Dream.Org’s mission to find common ground and deliver concrete solutions.
Your gift today is 100% tax-deductible. If you have any questions regarding your donation please email