Dream.Green Dream.Justice Dream.Tech

The Mother's Day

Gift Shop

From grassroots mobilization and green initiatives to nurturing dream entrepreneurs and enabling frontline advocacy, your gift propels dreams into reality. Give your mother or mother figure the gift of a donation in their name—which you can share through our free digital card at checkout.


For all gifts of $2500 you'll get our new brand NEW "Love Your Mother" package (sticker, notebook, tote bag, and hoodie) – for free. It's our way of saying thanks for celebrating all the women that keep our society going!


Share Dream.Org’s Message of Resilience

Provide t-shirts, banners, clipboards, and support for women advocating for change at local events.


Promote Green Infrastructure Projects

Empower women in the community with the know-how to implement vital green infrastructure projects that improve family health and community.


Provide Advocacy Training to Empower Women’s Voices

Help Dream.Org members develop skills in organizing & advocacy, storytelling, and campaigning to advance maternal health and equity goals.


Supercharge a Women-Owned Green Business

Provide a Dream Entrepreneurs Network Member vital technical assistance, capacity building, financial management, or grantwriting support in order to scale their business.


Empower Mothers in Advocacy Careers

Ensure women leaders know the latest digital tips and tricks to make their grassroots advocacy more effective.


Uplift Dignity Ambassadors to the National Stage

Equip a Dignity Ambassador to share her story, shine awareness of the harm caused to incarcerated women, and pass laws that protect maternal health and restore rights.


Fund Travel to Washington DC for Women in Climate Justice

Enable a mother to share her story of climate resilience in Washington D.C., building empathy and driving transformative change at the national level.


Launch Women into Green Careers with a Climate Scholarship

Your gift will provide an emerging innovator with a scholarship for certificate and technical training programs of her choosing, creating a pipeline of women-led talent for a diverse and green future.


Fund One Empathy Network Leaders Grant

The Empathy Network Leaders Fund awards microgrants that support grassroots leaders – many of whom are system-impacted women – in leading the fight to reform our broken criminal justice system.