Give meaningful gifts that bring people together across racial, social, and partisan lines to close prison doors and open doors of opportunity into the green economy.
Honor your loved ones with a free personalized certificate!
Inspire action and hope. Your $10 gift is TRIPLED to help frontline communities share stories of change.
Empower youth to advocate for justice. Your $10 gift is TRIPLED for real impact.
Bring green energy to communities of color. Your $14 gift is TRIPLED to solve real issues.
Your $14 gift is TRIPLED to create green jobs in underserved communities. Act now!
Amplify leaders impacted by the justice system. Your $15 gift is TRIPLED to ensure stories inspire change.
Break partisan divides. Your $20 gift is TRIPLED to foster bipartisan justice reform.
Your $22 gift is TRIPLED to pass laws that end mass incarceration. Make justice possible!
Give justice-impacted youth critical job skills. Your gift will help America's underserved youth thrive in the new economy.
Equip justice-impacted youth. Your $25 gift is TRIPLED to build brighter futures.
Start a green career for a young leader impacted by the justice system. Your $27 gift is TRIPLED to diversify green tech.
Give leaders of color the tools for change. Your $30 gift is TRIPLED to fuel untapped genius.
Your $32 gift is TRIPLED to pass bipartisan laws that protect disadvantaged communities.
Help innovators of color scale climate solutions. Your $34 gift is TRIPLED to fund community-led green infrastructure.
Break barriers in tech. Your $37 gift is TRIPLED to empower diverse innovators.
Create and disseminate powerful storytelling. Your $39 gift is TRIPLED to amplify a community leader’s experience and inspire action.
Tell policymakers how their decisions affect marginalized communities. Send a leader impacted by the justice system to Washington, D.C. to tell their story.
End mass incarceration. Your $50 gift is TRIPLED to create pathways to freedom.
Your $50 gift is TRIPLED to train leaders impacted by the justice system the conflict resolution skills needed for justice reform.
Fund scholarships for youth impacted by the criminal justice system. Your $75 gift is TRIPLED to empower the next generation.
Launch green careers for underrepresented youth. Your $110 gift is TRIPLED to open new opportunities.
Support grassroots campaigns. Your $160 gift is TRIPLED to drive local change.
Support entrepreneurs of color. Your $260 gift is TRIPLED to support innovators creating tech solutions to climate change.
Bring together unlikely allies across party lines for durable systemic change. Your gift will build bipartisan solutions for systemic climate and justice reform.
Install solar panels in communities of color. Your gift will start up a solar energy project to bring clean energy and jobs to an underserved community.
Transform the school to prison pipeline. Your gift will equip system and justice-impacted leaders with everything they need to create justice for ALL.
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